Silver Scorpion Comic Book Syria Programs

The Silver Scorpion

On Free Comic Book Day 2011, the Open Hands Initiative introduced the world to the Silver Scorpion, the first edition of the new comic book series developed by American and Syrian youth disability advocates who participated in the 2010 Youth Ability Summit. The “Silver Scorpion” is more than a superhero; it represents a new phase […]

Silver Scorpion Comic Book Syria Programs

Launching a Superhero in Damascus

The following guest post is written by Dr. Valerie Karr, one of the experts who helped lead the Youth Ability Summit that took place in August 2010 in Damascus, Syria. Returning to Damascus this February for the launch of the Silver Scorpion comic book, I felt like I was coming home to close friends. Having […]

Disability and Accessibility Syria Programs

Reflections on the Youth Ability Summit

By Hamza Jaka The Youth Ability Summit was an incredible experience.  I’d done international work before, but nothing like this. It was amazing to be able to share my knowledge with many other disabled youth from America and Syria. We found we had so much in common and so many shared experiences that it felt […]

Participants and Partners

My Experience at the Clinton Global Initiative

By Shafeka Hashash Attending the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) on Tuesday, September 21 was the most outstanding experience of my life. The CGI Special Session began with President Clinton’s opening remarks and followed by an acknowledgment of programs doing great work around the globe. The first of these was the Open Hands Initiative. President Clinton […]

Chairman's Remarks Disability and Accessibility Jay T. Snyder Silver Scorpion Comic Book Syria Programs

Can a Superhero Conquer Prejudice and Create Understanding?

As a child, I was fascinated by comic books. The epic stories of good versus evil in a world parallel to our own captured my imagination and established a youthful ideal of justice I still possess. My old Spider-man, X-Men and Thor comics are now in storage somewhere, trapped in plastic sleeves, their well read […]